Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. If you don't find what you are looking for, don't hesitate to contact us.

How many days is it advisable to stay at Eywa Lodge Amazonas?

In order to enjoy a unique experience in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest, we recommend a minimum stay of 3 nights. Once your flight to Iquitos has landed, it will take about 3.5 hours to reach our lodge hotel, located in a remote area of the Peruvian Amazon jungle. This is why we do not recommend short stays (we take care of transportation, which is included in the booking price). In addition, we offer numerous activities, tours and excursions (also included in the booking price), so if you want to enjoy this experience to the fullest we recommend that you stay with us for 3 to 5 nights.

How do I get to Ewya Lodge Amazonas?

Almost all our clients take the flight from Lima to Iquitos and there they are picked up directly by our team at Iquitos airport. Once they land in Iquitos, they don't have to worry about anything else. Directly from the airport, we take you by car to the city of Nauta (2 hours drive). Once in Nauta, an hour and a half boat ride on the Amazon River and its tributaries awaits us until we arrive at Eywa Lodge.

How to get to Iquitos?

Iquitos has no land connection so you can only reach the city by air or river transport. There are direct flights from Lima daily. Flights from Lima to Iquitos take 1 hour and 30 minutes. We will arrange transport to and from Eywa Lodge, pick you up on arrival at Iquitos airport and take you back after your adventure (all included in the booking price).

What happens if I have a medical emergency?

We have a first aid kit at the lodge that covers most cases. In addition our staff have received first aid training and are prepared for any type of eventuality. In the event that more complex treatment is required, we have a boat at our disposal 24 hours a day that can take us to Nauta, where there is a hospital, as soon as possible.

Why is Eywa Lodge Amazonas defined as an ecological lodge?

At Eywa Lodge Amazonas we are concerned about the preservation and conservation of the Amazon. Currently, studies and data collected by the scientific community show the clear deterioration that the Amazon rainforest has suffered in recent years. At Eywa Lodge we want to do our bit to stop this phenomenon. On the one hand, we have set ourselves the goal of having a CO2 footprint of practically zero. We are going to install solar panels which will make us energy self-sufficient. We use ecological soaps and gels. We have a vegetable garden where we plant all kinds of local vegetables for our guests to taste. In 2024 we will buy an electric motor for our boat, thus avoiding CO2 emissions on the trip to and from Nauta from the lodge. We will also employ lodge staff to collect plastic in the Amazon. Finally we will start to run ecological awareness campaigns among the local population transmitting them the importance of the city and preserving their natural environment.

What is included in the price?

Everything is included. It's that easy and there are no surprises. The price includes accommodation in one of our private bungalows with bathroom, ground transportation from Iquitos airport, water transportation from Nauta, 2-3 daily excursions, activities and tours with the best guides in the area, 3 meals a day and drinking water. The only thing that is not included are the drinks that our clients may order from our bar.

What language do the guides speak?

In addition to being the best guides in the area and very knowledgeable about the Amazon rainforest, they speak both English and Spanish. If our guests require other languages, please request it and we will confirm if it is possible (depending on the language required and the availability of the guide).

What if I am vegetarian, vegan, or have any food allergies or intolerances?

No problem at all. Please let us know at the time of booking and we will adapt the menu to suit all dietary requirements.

What should I bring to the lodge?

At the end of the "ALL INCLUSIVE" section of this website, you will find a list of everything you need. At our reception we have a small shop with basic items in case you forget something.

Is there electricity?

In order to reduce consumption as much as possible, we have electricity only during the most necessary hours of the day. We also have solar powered mobile phone charging devices, and we are working on installing solar panels very soon to work with 100% clean energy.

Is there WIFI?

Thanks to Starlink we have high-speed internet.

What kind of excursions can I do at Eywa Lodge Amazonas?

We offer all kinds of excursions, expeditions, activities and tours in the Amazon rainforest. From watching animals such as pink dolphins, howler monkeys, squirrel monkeys, caimans, sloths, toucans, macaws, harpy eagles, parakeets, parrots,... to fishing for piranhas and other fish. For the more adventurous we offer the possibility to swim in the Amazon River, to climb centenary trees or to go on night excursions through the Amazon rainforest to find insects. We also offer hikes to learn about the medicinal plants of the Amazon. Finally, clients can visit local villages and interact with the local people and buy local handicrafts.

Are there a lot of insects and are they dangerous?

Of course, there are many insects in the middle of the Amazon rainforest. They come in different species and sizes, and most of them come out at night. You don't need to be afraid of them, as they are at home. In your experience at Eywa Lodge you will learn to love and respect them.

Our bungalows are fully insulated with insect-proof netting, and each bed is fitted with a mosquito net, so you can rest easy.

During the day, be sure to wear mosquito protection, and ideally long-sleeved, loose-fitting clothing if you want to avoid bites. 

Is there malaria in the area?

We are in an area where the Malaria infection rate is minimal. No cases have been seen in years. However, some of our clients prefer to take malaria prevention pills to keep their minds at ease. To get them, you will need to visit your GP before your trip.

What does the Eywla Lodge Amazonas project consist of?

The Peruvian Amazon is one of the areas with the lowest purchasing power in Peru. Particularly affected by poverty are the local communities located in the heart of the Amazon. Difficult access to these communities hinders their economic development, plunging them into a wheel of poverty from which it is difficult to escape. Eywa Lodge Amazonas Project goes beyond a purely environmental initiative. We have a clear social component. We also want to support the local communities and we do this mainly by providing them with jobs. The lodge was built with the help of local workers and is staffed exclusively by local people. We also encourage entrepreneurship, as women from nearby villages sell handicrafts, jewellery and decorations, and we make sure to show our guests their small handcrafted works of art that they can purchase. In addition, at the lodge we sell, at no profit to ourselves, different objects produced by local artisans. With these initiatives we help this area of the Peruvian Amazon which needs it so much.

If you have any further questions, please contact us:

[email protected]

+51 969 529 243