Why Eywa Lodge Amazonas

Three friends. The Amazon. A few days of adventure in the jungle. What started as a holiday in Peru, ended up being the best experience of our lives. So much so that we carried out the desire to be able to share with all of you that feeling of connection with nature and disconnection from everything else.

Besides being impressed by the immensity and power of the environment, we realised how important the Amazon rainforest is as the lungs of the world and how few resources the local communities have to protect the rainforest and subsist in their daily lives.
This is how Eywa Lodge Amazonas was born - an ecological lodge hotel that seeks to combine a unique experience in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest with a clear mission of social and ecological responsibility.
We invite you to enjoy an authentic and unforgettable experience of the Amazon and its environment and to contribute to its conservation and preservation. We look forward to seeing you there!
Jara, Alejandro and Álvaro.



Plastic pollution is one of the major environmental problems of the 21st century. According to the UN, some 11 million tonnes of plastic waste are dumped into the oceans every year. This figure could triple by 2040. This has a major detrimental effect on ecosystems. More than 800 marine and coastal species are affected by this pollution through ingestion, entanglement and other hazards. And the Amazon is no exception.
Recent research from the Federal University of Pará in Brazil conducted stomach tests on 172 specimens of 16 Amazonian species and the findings were worrying. The tests revealed plastic particles in more than 80 % of the species tested. In short: 80% of the fish in the Amazon are contaminated by plastic. At Eywa Lodge Amazonas we want to do our bit to combat this reality.
We have hired members of the local communities to work for us for one purpose only. To collect plastic from the Amazon. They are employed as permanent staff at our lodge and use one of our boats to clean the rivers of the Amazon on a daily basis.
In addition, we involve our guests in different volunteer activities to clean the jungle of all kinds of plastic waste. Together we can make the Amazon a cleaner and purer place. Let's do it!


The Peruvian Amazon is one of the areas with the lowest purchasing power in Peru. Particularly affected by poverty are the local communities located in the heart of the Amazon. Difficult access to these communities hinders their economic development, plunging them into a wheel of poverty from which it is difficult to escape.
Eywa Lodge Amazonas Project goes beyond a purely environmental initiative. We have a clear social component. We also want to support these local communities and we do this in the following way:
Providing them with work: the lodge was built with the help of local workers and the staff is made up exclusively of local people. Encouraging entrepreneurship. Women from nearby villages sell costume jewellery and decorations, and once a week they come to the lodge to show us their small handcrafted works of art, which guests can purchase. In addition, at the lodge we sell, without making any profit, different objects produced by local artisans.
We also take guests to nearby local communities to see the villages, talk to the locals and buy some handicrafts if they wish to do so. With these initiatives we are helping this much needed area of the Peruvian Amazon.